
Most of you already know that getting upset or angry can raise your blood pressure and, in the worst-case scenario, land you in a heart attack or stroke. But did you know that positive emotions can lower your blood pressure and risk for cardiovascular disease? Well, they can.

Happiness is one antidote to rage. Positive and negatives emotions can’t exist at the same time because embracing one negates the other. So, the next time you feel negative — upset, angry, sad — try replacing that feeling with a positive feeling and see what happens. Think about someone who makes you laugh/something that excites you, some activity that pleases you — it may provide just the escape you need from those negative emotions.

Happiness can not only help you escape the negativity, but also bring you in sync with the universe. So beautifully said by Shawn Achor– “We not only need to work happy, we need to work at being happy”. Get into a habit of smiling often and the world will smile along with you.

Keep smiling and live a meaningful life !!